Extra Episode 20 - Hobby Catch-up

Extra Episode 20 - Hobby Catch-up
Total Length: 6 Minutes 06 Seconds

Here I am playing Catch-up for the missed show at the end of April, along with missing blog posts and YouTube vids.  I'm just behind and have been busy.  This short 5 minute episode is really just that.  Me explaining myself and my plans for May and upcoming stuff.  Give it a listen, or don't, but thanks for checking it out if you do.

You can download our show from the link above or of course you can find us on i-Tunes as well.  If you have any questions you'd like to ask please feel free to leave comments here on the blog or e-mail thehobbyheroes@gmail.com to reach us that way.  Also, check us out on Twitter @hobbyheroescast or our Facebook page The Hobby Heroes.
