Episode 30 - FlatCon Discussions!

Episode 30 - FlatCon Discussions!
Total Length: 38 Minutes 48 Seconds

In this episode I'm joined by my friend and previous co-host Chuck Jiardina and we discuss his involvement in the Flat-Con Gaming Convention!  We pretty much go over all aspects of his involvement, discussing why he got involved, how he decided what events to run and how he got his support for his events.  We talk about laying the groundwork for events basically.

You can download our show from the link above or of course you can find us on i-Tunes as well.  If you have any questions you'd like to ask please feel free to leave comments here on the blog or e-mail thehobbyheroes@gmail.com to reach us that way.  Also, check us out on Twitter @hobbyheroescast or our Facebook page The Hobby Heroes.
