Episode 32 - 1,500 Local 40K

Episode 32 - 1,500 Local 40K
Total Length: 55 Minutes 15 Seconds

Oooh, look out there is a serious lack of edit in this episode.  I just didn't want to delay the release any longer since we already recorded it 10 days late so we did our best to not derail too much or have anything that sounded too terrible and you'll be getting very little edit here.  Also, we're a bit bellie achie in this one.  Well, at least I am but I can admit that.  It was a rough day.

You can download our show from the link above or of course you can find us on i-Tunes as well.  If you have any questions you'd like to ask please feel free to leave comments here on the blog or e-mail thehobbyheroes@gmail.com to reach us that way.  Also, check us out on Twitter @hobbyheroescast or our Facebook page The Hobby Heroes.
