Episode 19- WWX: In Hot Pursuit!
Total Length: 1 Hour 13 Minutes 00 Seconds
Welcome back intrepid listener! This episode Ryan and I take on some more Wild West Exodus Narrative play from the big rule book. Not before we talk our usual pieces though and we dig up a bunch of news. Kings of War Naiad releases along with a job opening. Wild West Exodus wins on the news front though with released stats and cards for 3 new hero's, a couple of pictures of upcoming models in the flesh (or resin as it were), league play beta testing and cards hitting the public's hands.
We go over some games played, mostly Blood Bowl as it turns out on both sides honestly before we get into our Quick & Dead tournament between Nikola Tesla and Gustave Eiffel and their mechs which we thought was pretty exciting. For a bit... Then we get into the narrative game with the Dark Nation VS. Lawmen who are 'In Hot Pursuit'.
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