Episode 15- KoW: Self Made Narrative Part3
Total Length: 1 Hour 34 Minutes 46 Seconds
Welcome back everyone!
Thanks for joining us for Episode number 15 of The Hobby Heroes Podcast! In this episode we cover the third installment of our Self Made Narrative that we've been working on since August. We can really feel the climactic end of the campaign coming towards us like the freight train that we know it will be.
The news is pretty slim this episode just covering the sale of Wild West Exodus to Wayland Games and their new entity Warcradle. We'll definitely be putting out another smaller show between episodes 15 and 16 to give our thoughts and opinions on that so if your a WWX fan just know that, that is coming down the pipeline soon enough. Until then though, enjoy!
You can download our show from the link above or of course you can find us on i-Tunes as well. If you have any questions you'd like to ask please feel free to leave comments here on the blog or e-mail them to either of us at the e-mails indicated on the right of the page. Also, check us out on Twitter @hobbyheroescast or our Facebook page The Hobby Heroes.
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